Senior School

Geraldton Senior High School Senior School Pathways  

In senior school students work towards achieving the Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE). This is a generally a two year program that is delivered through different pathways at the school.

ATAR program – for students looking to go directly to University

  • are examined by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCASA)
  • are used by the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) to calculate a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). 

General Studies Program – heading for TAFE or Employment

  • are not externally examined 
  • have an externally set task (EST) which is set by the Authority in Semester One of Year 12
  • are designed for students who are typically aiming to enter further vocationally based training or the workforce directly from school

VET delivered to secondary schools (VETDSS) involves regular days away from school. These programs can be one or two years in duration. Single year courses can be applied for in Year 11 or Year 12. Students in these programs have a modified timetable.

  • 2 days in offsite training/work placement. e.g. Trades pathway certificates, Early Childhood
  • 1 day in offsite training e.g. TAFE Link

Skills Through Enterprise Program (STEP)

This is a Year 11 program that centres on preparing students for the workforce. It is a combination of school, VET certificate, and Work Placement.

Warlugurra Walgamanyulu

Warlugurra Walgamanyulu is a phrase given to us by the Wajarri Elders and means “Young Aboriginal Girls coming together to learn”. The purpose of the program is to provide Year 11 and Year 12 Aboriginal girls with a culturally appropriate academic program within a caring and supportive learning environment. 

Gigaman Gawala

Gigaman Gawala program is available to Year 11 and 12 students who are members of the Geraldton Clontarf Academy. This program provides students with a combination of education and training opportunities that will prepare them for life beyond school. 

In addition to these programs students can add to their WACE by being involved in Endorsed programs.

  • These contribute towards the breadth and depth requirement and the achievement standard requirement of the WACE
  • count as a maximum of four-unit equivalents towards the WACE – two-unit equivalents in Year 11 and two-unit equivalents in Year 12.
  • The list of endorsed programs is available on the SCSA Authority website. Years 11 and 12 provider-developed endorsed programs (

Find out more

Senior School School Booklet

Email Hazel Snell for more information.