Student Support Programs

Vocational Individualised Program (VIP)

The Vocational Individualised Program (VIP) provides opportunities for Year 10 students to refocus their educational opportunities and develop an employment advantage.

Opportunities are provided to access work experience and focus is placed on individual aims to encourage and develop strategies to develop confidence and achieve those goals. Students in this area gain specific qualifications such as Certificate I in Business and a White Card to access building sites, in order to help develop a career. Often this is the first work experience opportunity for many of the VIP students.

Values such as respect, responsibility and courage are taught and practised through the program. The VIP learning environment is designed to build confidence and success while having a vocational focus.

At the end of each year, many students secure an apprenticeship while the others continue to study in Year 11. As a meaningful program of engagement, it acts as a bridge to many Year 11 pathways.

Entry into this program is subject to interview during Year 9 and has limited placement. 

VIP Coordinator 
Terrace Shaw
Phone: 08 9965 8400

Skilling Through Enterprise Program (STEP)

The Skilling Through Enterprise Program provides an alternative off timetable Year 11 pathway that allows students to either move to employment, pre-apprenticeships or achieve the WACE by continuing their studies into Year 12.

The curriculum includes:

  • delivery of units in the Certificate II (Engineering Pathways or Building and Construction Maintenance)
  • instruction in wood, metal fabrication and welding
  • trade relevant maths
  • sound literacy foundations
  • workplace learning (one day per week and two one-week blocks)
  • career guidance, resume building, job applications and interviews.

In addition, students can complete:

  • safety awareness training and other occupational safety and health certificates, e.g. White Card
  • life-skills 
  • drug and alcohol awareness 
  • outdoor team building activities
  • work readiness activities and training with Joblink Midwest.

Students actively participate in all aspects of the course. This includes skill development, product design, costing, fabrication/construction, marketing and invoicing of jobs. Throughout the course, students develop their personal and team skills, compile a practical work portfolio incorporating photographic images as a record of achievement and network into community employment agencies.

STEP Coordinator 
Beau Walker

Follow the Dream

Follow the Dream: Partnerships for Success is a tailored program which provides targeted support in assisting Aboriginal students to achieve their full education potential and maximise their achievements by delivering a high quality, culturally responsive approach.

It provides holistic support and case management, including after-school tuition and individual mentoring to aspirant Aboriginal secondary students at Geraldton Senior High School, an outreach school, to assist them to achieve positive academic outcomes and meaningful post-school destinations such as university, further training or employment.

Follow the Dream is tailored to the specific needs of the participating students and may include:

  • after-school individual or small group tutoring to target each individual students identified learning needs
  • development and monitoring of a personalised learning plan for pathway planning and academic goals
  • course and career counselling, leadership development camps and/or opportunities
  • University visits and participation in preparation courses and/or study skills seminars
  • participation in cultural activities, camps or excursions/incursions designed to enhance the students sense of cultural identity; and
  • forums with guest speakers, local industry and/or post-school training and employment providers.

The key purpose of the program is to increase the number of Aboriginal students who achieve a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and transition to one of the following successful post school destinations:

  • University entry via an appropriate ATAR, submission of a portfolio or a relevant Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification at Certificate IV or higher
  • TAFE entry to Certificate III or higher qualifications; or
  • an apprenticeship/traineeship or meaningful employment.


Decisions about the capacity of a student to successfully engage in an academic pathway is dependent on individual abilities, choice of senior secondary pathway, attitude, work ethic and personal commitment.

To be eligible for the program, students must:

Additionally, students must demonstrate the following attributes:

  • achievement above the national minimum standard in NAPLAN reading and writing
  • achievement above the minimum standard in NAPLAN numeracy
  • work ethic: where teacher recommendation identifies the student as an aspirant who is working consistently
  • leadership demonstrated in school and/or community; and/or
  • 90% authorised absences.

Follow the Dream Coordinator
Caelene Bartlett

Warlugurra Walgamanyulu (WW)

Warlugurra Walgamanyulu is a phrase given to us by the Wajarri Elders and means “Young Aboriginal Girls coming together to learn”.

The purpose of the program is to provide Year 11 and Year 12 Aboriginal girls with a culturally appropriate academic program within a caring and supportive learning environment. 

All students are enrolled in a range of courses, providing them with the opportunity to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education. 

Warlugurra Walgamanyulu Coordinator 
Caelene Bartlett

Gigaman Gawala (GG)

The Gigaman Gawala Program is available to Year 11 and 12 students who are members of the Geraldton Clontarf Academy. This program provides students with a combination of education and training opportunities which will prepare them for life beyond school. 

The Geraldton Senior High School staff, in consultation with Clontarf Academy staff identify students who are most suited to the Gigaman Gawala class. Parents are involved in the decision to enrol their son into this class. 

Course Profile: 

A range of learning experiences provide students with opportunities to improve literacy and numeracy, achieve a Certificate II in Sport & Recreation and build work readiness and career development skills.

Gigaman Gawala Coordinator
Grant Dodd
Phone: 08 9965 8400

Clontarf Geraldton

The Clontarf Foundation in partnership with Geraldton Senior High School is focused on assisting students to complete school and secure employment through the Midwest Clontarf Academy. Using the passion that Aboriginal boys have for football attracts the boys to the program. But it is not a sporting program.

The Midwest Clontarf Academy exists to improve the education, discipline, self-esteem, life skills and employment prospects of young Aboriginal men and by doing so, equip them to participate more meaningfully in society. This is done by encouraging behavioural change and developing positive attitudes. Fundamental to this is the development of values, skills and abilities that will assist the boys to achieve better life outcomes.

Through a diverse mix of activities, full-time, local Clontarf staff mentor and counsel students while the school caters for their educational needs. They build strong relationships with the academy members so that when they leave school, they continue to be part of the Clontarf Academy family. The Clontarf Foundation also continues to assist the boys to transition into employment or further study. Clontarf stays in the lives of all their current and past students.

Students are involved in community service activities such as mentoring primary school students, holding football clinics for disabled students and volunteering time at various community organisations. Opportunities to experience various workplaces through work site visits and local partner interactions as well as holding morning training and breakfasts feature throughout the year.

This program has seen high levels of success and continues to be a prominent program at Geraldton Senior High School.

Clontarf Academy Director 
Daniel Brierty
Phone: 08 9965 8400

Stars Foundation

Stars Foundation has been offering full-time, in-school support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women since 2015.

The mission of Stars Foundation is to support and enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women to make active choices towards realising their full potential in all aspects of their development and wellbeing.

Our purpose is to improve education and health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls.

A good education lays the foundation for success in life and achieving a higher level of education is one of the key factors most likely to reduce Indigenous disadvantage in Australia.

Stars supports Indigenous girls and young women to attend and remain engaged at school, complete Year 12, and move into full-time work for further study.

Our program is based on strong trusting relationships. The Stars Room provides a culturally safe, warm environment – a place where the girls and young women in our programs feel nurtured and inspired.

We provide a diverse range of activities to support Star students to develop the self-esteem, confidence and life skills they need to participate successfully in school and move into a positive and independent future.

A confident, educated Indigenous girl is an active and productive community member. She is the most influential force in her family and wider community to break the cycle of disadvantage and to build a healthier family, a stronger community, and a brighter future.

Stars offers a range of activities including exercise and sport, art, music and dance. Community and volunteering activities are also provided to support the girls to build their confidence and give them opportunities for personal growth.

The program is based around four key pillars of personal development:

  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Wellbeing
  • Employment, Education & Training
  • Community, Culture & Leadership

The key to the success of the program are our full-time, on-site Mentors, who provide our girls with the intensive, daily support they need to identify and achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

STARS Coordinator
Chaili Bolton
P: 08 9965 8400

Literacy Program

MacqLit is delivered to selected small groups (up to 5 students) for up to one hour, four times a week. The program teaches the students how to read and spell words using appropriate decoding strategies which also helps to improve comprehension. Students will be identified via diagnostic testing which is completed in Term 1 of Year 7.


The Lighthouse program is a diverse and exciting alternative format of learning at Geraldton Senior High School. The primary objective of the SEN Program is inclusion and opportunity for all students. The program is inclusive, enabling students the opportunity to seamlessly access the full range of mainstream subjects and discrete programs available at Geraldton Senior High School with the support of their peers and school community, and have access to the specialised SEN program. This whole school approach ensures that the contribution Special Education Needs students make, as a part of our school community, is appreciated and embraced.

Our qualified Teachers, Lighthouse Coordinator and Education Assistants are highly skilled in providing Individual Education Programs that make achievement accessible to all students. Each student’s program is designed to complement their individual needs and abilities, to maximize student outcomes. These programs take a holistic approach, with mainstream subjects and specialised programs that focus on building academic skills such as literacy and numeracy, while fostering development in areas such as speech, mobility, community access, life skills and social and emotional growth.

The Lighthouse program provides endless enrichment activities and opportunities for students to engage in new experiences that encourage education in real life settings.  This has included fishing workshops, art classes, surfing for the disabled, PCYC programs, community visits, excursions, various ASDAN programs and purpose-led camps.

All subjects studied are accredited by the Curriculum Council and students are continually being challenged to achieve their personal goals. In partnership with Central Regional TAFE, students can study certificate programs. The Compass program also includes a diverse and exciting array of Workplace Learning opportunities, to ensure students build practical Independent Living skills and learn to become working members of the community.

In this spirit, Lighthouse motto is ‘To forge independence, confidence and resilience without limitations or fear’.

Learning Support and Intervention Coordinator
Steven Twigg