At P&C meetings, we discuss the allocation of funds raised at the canteen and avenues in which we may be lobbying on behalf of our High School in support of their buildings, staffing and general government resources.
Our Principal welcomes ideas from parents and keenly seeks new ways to engage parents in school activities.
Be there to meet other committed parents, to show your support and become more involved. It is your voice and forum to:
- develop a personal relationship with other parents and the Principal
- better understand the issues faced by the High School
- participate in forums and panels for decisions affecting the school including School Council, Canteen & Health Committees, Finance Committees and selection panels
- lobby on behalf of your school to influence decision making from a parent’s point of view
- participate in the WA Council of State Schools Organisation (WACSSO) training, activities and conferences
Your presence at one meeting per term means we can sustain a quorum of 8 members. Membership is only $1. Limited/no fundraising is involved as our Cafeteria generates contributions.
Meetings are held mid term. Please see the calendar for information on the next meeting.
For more information please contact Geraldton Senior High School on 08 9965 8400.